Thursday, October 26, 2017

Human Resource Management

Human resource management's fundamental activity is the management of work and employees taking them towards desired organisation goals. The core purpose of the human resource management is to make efficient use of existing human resource in the organisation. Human resource management is the inevitable result of establishing and developing organizations. Although there are many different changes in human resource management theory, style, and management resources, human resource management occurs in some form. Human resource management is the process of using a limited and skilled workforce appropriately and to the maximum. (Boxall et al, 2007). 

Human resources management areas include the following:
  • Recruitment, selection and retention
  • Talent management 
  • Job role assignment
  • Compensation & benefits
  • Labor law compliance
  • Performance management
  • Training & development
  • Succession program
  • Employee engagement and recognition (Boxall et al, 2007).
Global Human Resource Management: With the advent of globalization, large and small organizations are no longer indigenous and have become globalized! This has increased the diversity of labour and cultural sensitivities and has never appeared as such. All of this has led to the development of global human resource management.

Major objectives of global HRM as follows:
  • Create local appeals without affecting global identities.
  • Raise global managers' awareness of cross-cultural sensitivities and hire staff across geographies.
  • Train host country cultures and sensitivities (Managementstudyguide, 2015).
The strategic role of human resources management in this context is to ensure that human resources management policies are coordinated and supported by the strategies, structures and controls of the organisation. Specifically, when we talk about structure and control, it is worth mentioning in the context of global human resources management.
  • Decision Making: There is a certain amount of centralizing in functional decision making. This is, in comparison to global strategy, core competencies are centralized and the rest is widespread.
  • Coordination: Cross-cultural sensitivity requires a high degree of coordination. In addition, cultural control is required.
  • Integrating Mechanisms: Simultaneously many integrating mechanisms are operated (Managementstudyguide, 2015). 

Boxall, P., Purcell, J. and Wright, P.  (eds.) (2007). The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

ManagementStudyGuide. 2015, Global Human Resource Management - Meaning and Objective. [online]. Available at: s [Accessed 21 December 2017].


  1. Hi Jothi,
    Great summary of HRM within an organisation. I do agree the necessity of people management for the success of the organisation as people unlike other types of resources are complex beings with distinction among each other (employee) and managing such a resource require a framework/model and practices that achieves the success of the organisation's mission and vision.

  2. I agree with you in saying that" HRM is an inevitable consequence of starting and growing an organization" . HRM and the strategies of HRM are important for an organization in order to move on with Organization Strategic planning and on building the Company Image. As you mentioned, its existence is inevitable since PEOPLE are one of the four factors of an organization. I would like to add some simple reasons I came across in an article on the “Reasons for the importance of HRM in an Organization”.
    6.Training and Development
    7.Employee Satisfaction

    These areas are further elaborated in the following link.

    Mayhew, R., 10 Reasons HR is important to an Organization[online]Available from [Accessed 1 November 2017]

  3. The possibility for an organization to somehow survive and grow without a proper HR management will not be possible in the long term. People will lose their job satisfaction, motivation and will get less involved. Then of course work force will add more cost to the business compared to the value they are adding and will lead the company towards failure.

  4. Every person, by nature, would love to have something in return when they give something away. People have needs,and it is the human nature. Organizations that do not understand this basic fact, are the ones that ultimately leads to failure. Understanding the needs of the employees in the organization, and keeping them satisfied while gaining efficient input to the organization is what Human Resource Management is all about. A dead or dis-functional HRM would cause unattended employee grievances leading employees to leave the organization.
