Sunday, November 19, 2017

Training & Development - How Important in the Workplace?

The training programs are will always be a prime opportunity for employees to develop their knowledge base. But some employers consider that the staff development training programs are expensive and cost to the company. Generally, while they are in the training employees work hours is reduced, which may obstruct the completion of allocated job tasks or projects. Despite the potential drawbacks, staff training and development gives both the organization and the employees with benefits that make the cost and time a valuable investment (Khan, 2011).

Some of the outcomes of the staff training programs are as follows:

Addressing Weaknesses: Some employees have weaknesses in their workplace skills. A training program allows strengthening those skills that every employee needs to improve. A development training program carries all employees to a higher level so they all have identical skills and knowledge. This will help people to work independently without getting help from others.  

Improved Employee Performance: Employees who receive training will be able to perform their job well. The training may also build the employee's confidence because they have a stronger understanding of the industry and the responsibilities of their job. This confidence may push them to do even better and think of new concepts that help them shine.

Consistency: A well-planned training and development program guarantees that employees have a consistent experience and knowledge. The consistency is relevant for the company's fundamental policies and procedures. All employees should understand the company's expectations and practices. It includes safety, discrimination and administrative tasks. By regularly training all employees in these locations, be sure to pass at least some of your information to all employees.

Employee Satisfaction: The investment in training that an organization makes shows the employees they are valued and appreciated. The training creates a helpful work environment. Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities may feel more satisfaction toward their jobs. (Frost, 2018).

Khan, R.A.G. Khan, F.A. Khan, M.A. (2011). Impact of Training and Development on Organizational Performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 11(7).

Frost, S. (2018). The Importance of Training & Development in the Workplace. [online] [Accessed 31 January 2018].

1 comment:

  1. Training and development programs play as an important guiding factor for starters as it trains them how to fit into the new environment, the vision and mission of the organization and also this helps them to break up their barriers and to come out of their comfort zone to show up their hidden talents and skills towards the task assigned. It also provides them a fresh idea as how to develop in their career from the experiences from the leaders of the organization.
    I would also prefer that the organization should appoint an effective leader to train the starters to give satisfaction that the training session was carried out successfully.
